Driving Mass Adoption of Crypto: How the RGB Protocol is Illuminating the Future of Bitcoin

Waterdrip Capital
24 min readDec 18, 2023


Bill, Waterdrip Capital; Marvin & Neo, Infinitas;

Instructor: Shuning Hong

Bill, Waterdrip Capital; Marvin & Neo, Infinitas;Instructor: Shuning Hong



About 4.5 billion years ago, the Earth formed.About 3.5 billion years ago, single-celled organisms began to wriggle.About 300,000 years ago, Homo sapiens emerged as modern humans.About 150 years ago, the underlying code of modern computers started to operate rapidly. About 14 years ago, the first block of the Bitcoin blockchain, known as the “Genesis Block,” was created, marking the beginning of the entire Bitcoin network. Just a few months ago, GPT-4.0 was released, coinciding with substantial breakthroughs in the core technologies behind Bitcoin. At this very moment, as you read these words, you might be filled with curiosity and puzzlement about RGB….In the world of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin undoubtedly stands as the most well-known presence. However, when people discuss Bitcoin, they often focus solely on its price, market cap, and trading volume, neglecting its technological innovations and potential applications. Many of the core technologies we mentioned in last year’s “DeFi on the Bitcoin Lightning Network” research have seen substantial breakthroughs in the first half of this year, such as:

  • Lightning Labs introduced the Taproot Assets v0.2 (formerly known as Taro) testnet.
  • OmniBOLT launched on the Mainnet, enabling sending, receiving, and transferring via the Lightning Network.
  • The RGB protocol introduced the more powerful, flexible, and secure RGB v0.10 version.

…Talking of the RGB protocol, people might find familiar and unfamiliar with it. We are familiar with the concept of RGB when it was first proposed in 2016. Many people are aware of the existence of the RGB protocol, yet despite several years of development, it has not garnered widespread attention and application. Specific use cases for the RGB protocol also seem elusive. Based on our research and analysis, we believe the primary reason for this phenomenon is that the early versions of the RGB protocol had limited functionality. Additionally, the idea behind the RGB protocol is highly original and unique, requiring an extensive understanding of both Bitcoin and smart contract principles for developers to effectively engage with it. However, as the RGB protocol continues to evolve and refine, this situation is changing.

What is RGB?

Introduction to RGB

RGB is an scalable and confidential smart contract system for Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, developed by the LNP/BP Standards Association. It employs concepts of private ownership and joint ownership and constitutes a Turing-complete, trustless form of distributed computation, obviating the need for token-introducing off-chain decentralized protocols. The design objective of RGB is to enable scalable, robust, and private smart contracts to run on UTXO (such as Bitcoin), facilitating a realm of possibilities. Through RGB, developers can execute tasks like token launch, NFT (Non-Fungible Token) mint, DeFi, DAOs, and more intricate multi-category smart contracts. The RGB protocol builds upon the concepts of client-side validation and single-use seals initially proposed by Peter Todd in 2016. It functions as a client-side state validation and smart contract system operating on the layer2 and layer3 (off-chain) of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Peter Todd’s original paper: https://petertodd.org/2017/scalable-single-use-seal-asset-transfer

Client-side validation

Client-side validation is a solution introduced by Peter Todd in 2016. Its core concept revolves around the notion that in a distributed system, state validation does not necessitate a global execution by all participants involved in a decentralized protocol. Instead, validation is required only from parties involved in specific state transitions. By adopting this approach, state transitions are not launched across the entire network but are transformed into simple cryptographic commitments through the use of crypto hash functions and similar techniques. These commitments need to be part of “Proof-of-Publication” , encompassing the key attributes of receipt proof, non-publication proof, and membership proof. The first client-side validation system is the OpenTimeStamps protocol, which was also proposed and developed by Peter Todd between 2014 and 2016.

Single-use seals

These can be likened to the real-world disposable seals used to secure shipping containers. The explanation of a single-use seal is a distinct object that encapsulates a message in a one-time manner, ensuring that this message can only be used once. Once used it is permanently opened and cannot be sealed again. In essence, single-use seals represent an abstract mechanism aimed at preventing double-spending.

A brief history of RGB

The initial concept of RGB can be traced back to 2016 when Giacomo Zucco (BHB Network) proposed it based on early ideas from Peter Todd regarding client-side validation and single-use seals. In 2017, the original MVP of RGB was implemented by BHB Network, with support from the Poseidon Group.In 2019, Maxim Orlovsk and Giacomo Zucco jointly established the LNP/BP Standards Association (https://www.lnp-bp.org) with the aim of advancing RGB from conceptualization to practical implementation. This association garnered support from Fulgur Ventures, Bitfinex, Hojo Foundation, Pandora Prime, and DIBA.

Maxim OrlovskStarting from 2019, Dr. Maxim Orlovsky has assumed the role of primary architect and chief contributor for the RGB protocol, designing and implementing its current form. Since 2019, RGB has undergone rethinking and redesign in terms of its design and protocol peer reviews, evolving into a versatile computational and confidential smart contract system.In 2021, the LNP/BP Standards Association successfully published a pure functional RISC virtual machine (AluVM), and RGB began operating on the Lightning Network. This implementation utilizes the Rust language (LNP Node) of the complete Lightning protocol.In 2022, the LNP/BP Standards Association launched a new website (contractum.org) concerning the Contractum language, a novel high-level language. This language is designed for scripting RGB smart contracts on Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Contractum serves as a functional declarative programming language, are tailored for smart contract development using RGB technology.In April of 2023, the LNP/BP Association announced the release of RGB v0.10, marking significant milestone in the development of the RGB protocol. This version brings full support for smart contracts to Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. It is a testament to the extensive collaborative efforts across Bitcoin developers, contributors, related companies, and over four years of broad development work. (RGB v0.10 can be downloaded and installed from https://rgb.tech, which also provides various user and developer guides. The RGB source code can be found at https://github.com/RGB-WG.)

Learn RGB

RGB background

For many years, various teams have been engaged in researching protocols for token launch on Bitcoin and attempting to achieve compatibility with the Lightning Network. Notable examples include OmniBOLT, Taproot, and RGB.One of the well-known protocols for token issuance on Bitcoin is OmniLayer. Its working principle involves inserting metadata into Bitcoin transactions to “color” them, signifying that the transaction should be understood as a token transfer. The USDT (Tether) within the Omni protocol can be considered a form of colored coin. In the Omni protocol, USDT exists as Tether tokens, represented through specific transaction types of the Omni protocol within Bitcoin transactions. Specifically, when a user initiates a USDT transaction on the Omni protocol, a special data field from the OmniLayer is added to the Bitcoin transaction. This indicates that the transaction involves the transfer of USDT tokens. This approach enables Bitcoin transactions to represent the transfer of USDT tokens, and holders of USDT can use Bitcoin addresses to receive, to send, and to store USDT tokens.Such signalling would usually happen in an OP_RETURN output, which is off-course ignored by normal Bitcoin nodes, but can be interpreted by the token protocol aware nodes, which will enforce the token protocol validation rules.

While this design is effective, it also presents a few drawbacks:

  1. The quantity of information related to the token transfer is limited by the bytes allowed in an OP_RETURN output, which by standardness rules is 80 bytes, enough for basic transactions data encoding, but not sufficient for more complex use cases.
  2. The token protocol node needs to scan the entire blockchain looking for token transfers that may be relevant for the user in OP_RETURN outputs, a process that as the blockchain grows in size becomes more resource intensive.
  3. All the transaction data is visible to anyone on-chain and the anonymity set of the token you are using likely to be orders of magnitudes smaller than the one you usually enjoy with bitcoin.

RGB’s Solution: Moving off-chain

With the goal of improving on this design, the RGB project proposes a more scalable, more privacy aware and more future proof solution based on the concept of client-side validation and single-use seals, initially proposed by Peter Todd in 2017.The core of the idea is to use the Bitcoin blockchain only for what it is indispensable, that is leveraging its proof-of-work and network decentralisation for double-spending protection and censorship-resistance. All the token transfer validation work can instead be moved out of the global consensus layer, and kept off-chain, delegating it to only the client receiving the payment.

Working Principle

In RGB, basically tokens always need to be assigned to a Bitcoin UTXO (either already existing or created ad hoc). To move the tokens, you need to spend such UTXO. While spending the UTXO, the Bitcoin transaction will have to include a commitment to a message containing the RGB payment information, defining input(s), Bitcoin UTXO(s) where the tokens will be sent to, asset id, amount, spending conditions and other extra data you may want to attach.

If you have tokens assigned to the Output 1 of Bitcoin transaction A, to move them you would need to create an RGB transaction and a Bitcoin transaction spending from Bitcoin TX A: output 1 committing to the RGB transaction. As you can see, the RGB transaction is moving tokens from Bitcoin TX A: output 1 to Bitcoin TX C: output 2 (which is not shown in this diagram), not towards any output of Bitcoin TX B. In most cases, we can expect TX B output 0 to just change addresses to send the satoshis owned by the UTXO being spent back to the owner minus the fee, while committing to the RGB transaction to avoid the possibility of double spending.

Privacy Protection

To move RGB tokens that were assigned to a Bitcoin UTXO, a Bitcoin transaction is always needed. However, the output of the RGB transfer does not need to be the same as the output of the Bitcoin transaction. As we can see in the example above, the RGB transaction (Bitcoin TX C: output 2) is completely unrelated to the Bitcoin TX B. This means that RGB tokens can “teleport” from one UTXO to another without leaving any trail in the Bitcoin transaction graph. This is great for privacy!In this design, Bitcoin UTXOs are used as single-use seals containing RGB assets, and to move the assets you essentially need to open the new seal and close the old one.The RGB specific payment data is transmitted off-chain through a dedicated communication channel, from the client of the payer to the one of the receiver which will proceed in verifying that RGB protocol rules were respected. In this way, a blockchain observer will not be able to extract any information about the activity of RGB users.

Validation Loop

Validating the incoming payment is not enough to make sure the sender actually owned to assets just sent to you, therefore, to consider the received payment as finalised, you would have to receive from the payer also all the history of the transactions related to the token just sent, back to the very original issuance. By validating all the transaction history, you can make sure the asset has not been inflated and that all spending conditions attached to the asset were always respected.This design helps with scalability as you don’t have to validate the entire history of the asset, but only those transactions that are relevant to you. Moreover, the fact that the transactions are not broadcast to a global ledger improves privacy, as fewer people are aware that your transaction even exists.

Blinding secrets

With the goal of further improving privacy, RGB support the blinding of outputs, which means that in the payment request you share with whoever need to pay you, you do not disclose the UTXO where you want to receive the tokens. Instead, you can ask the payer to send the tokens to a hash, which you generated by concatenating the UTXO itself with a random blinding secret. In this way, the payer will not be aware of the UTXO to which the tokens are being sent to, making it therefore impossible for an exchange or other service providers to know if they are operating a withdraw towards a UTXO “blacklisted” by some regulatory agency, or to monitor when the tokens will be spent in the future.When tokens are spent, the blinding secrets have to be revealed to the receiver so that she can verify all the Bitcoin part of the transaction history. This means that with RGB you have total privacy in the present, but future token holders will be able to see all the UTXOs that were involved in transfers. Therefore, while enjoying perfect privacy when receiving and holding the tokens, the confidentiality of user’s past financial activities degrades over time as the tokens are successively moved between people, approaching the same privacy level we enjoy for our past Bitcoin transaction history.

Main features of RGB

Based on the understanding of the aforementioned content, we can summarize that RGB exhibits the following key features:

  1. High Confidentiality, Security, and Scalability;
  2. No congestion from the Bitcoin blockchain, as transactions only retain homomorphic commitments that require additional storage;
  3. Upgradable in the future without the need for hard forks;
  4. Enhanced resistance to censorship compared to Bitcoin: Miners cannot observe the flow of assets in transactions;
  5. Absence of the concepts of blocks and chains.

It’s noteworthy that when referring to blockchain, the concepts of blocks and chains usually come into play. However, RGB does not involve the notions of blocks and chains, as it is a client-side validation technology and a non-block decentralized protocol.

The Infinite Possibilities of RGB v0.10

The release of RGB v0.10 marks a significant breakthrough, advance RGB to the stage where it is about to be commercially available. It introduces the final consensus-breaking changes aimed at maintaining full backward compatibility for future RGB versions. Moreover, it unlocks the last set of features for realizing fully functional smart contracts, which can be tailored as per the discretion of contract developers.The release of RGB v0.10 encompasses the consensus layer, standard libraries (used for wallet/exchange integration, etc.), and command-line tools. The following table summarizes the main differences between the new and previous versions based on official RGB materials:

For more comprehensive details, readers can refer to the official RGB documentation and video introductions available at:https://rgb.tech/blog/release-v0-10/https://www.youtube.com/@LNPBP/videos

Interpreting RGB v0.10

In essence, the v0.10 version of the RGB protocol addresses a multitude of issues present in previous versions, encompassing constraints on smart contract development, interaction with the consensus layer, limitations on encoding formats, dependencies on Rust Bitcoin, missing WASM compatibility, global state and context management challenges, integration concerns with the Lightning Network, inflexibility in backup processes, inadequate support for mobile wallets, and more. These enhancements render the RGB protocol more potent, versatile, and secure, establishing a robust foundation for future growth. This release brings the support of the following features to RGB:

Global state in RGB contracts

  • RGB has introduced the concept of Global State, which is a novel feature crucial for constructing intricate applications on the RGB platform, such as synthetic assets and algorithmic stablecoins. Presently, each RGB contract possesses a Global State that can be accessed by both the virtual machine and clients (like wallets, etc.).

Contract interfaces

  • Interfaces, introduced in this version, represent a standard way of communicating a diverse range of smart contracts through well-defined APIs. Interfaces can be compared to contract ABIs and ERCs in Ethereum world. However, unlike in Ethereum, they require neither obligatory standardization (such as ERCs) nor separate distribution, being always packed together with contracts. By using interfaces, wallets and other software can provide a semantic-aware UI for the users for working with the contracts. Contract developers may add more interfaces to their existing contracts over time without the need to update the immutable contract itself.

Strict type system

  • The new encoding format refers to the “strict types” system, where strict types represent a novel functional data type system used for the representation and introspection of RGB contract states. This system permits assurance of the size of any data at compile time, simplifying operations of RGB on resource-constrained devices such as low-end or limited-memory devices like hardware wallets. The entire RGB consensus layer is now compiled into strict types, allowing for formal proofs of binary compatibility between releases. In other words, this new encoding format will render the utilization of RGB simpler and more secure. It will also enable asset issuers and contract developers to sign their assets or contracts with additional metadata, aiding in the verification of the identity of assets or contracts.

Contracts in Rust

  • You can write RGB smart contracts in Rust. Thanks to the strict types, it is also possible to compile rust data types right into RGB contracts.

State introspection

  • Contracts can introspect their own state in the validation code used by the virtual machine, which unlocks the way for writing complex forms of contracts working with bitcoin transactions, DLCs and other complex data.

URL-based invoice format

  • Previously RGB was using Bech32m-encoded invoices, which were very long, not human-readable and couldn’t be automatically opened with most of the software. The new format is much shorter, easier to be verified by the user and can be opened automatically as a link with preconfigured software.

WASM support

  • RGB standard library can run without I/O and file system access. In other words, it can operate inside a web page or a browser plugin.

Tapret descriptors and custom derivation

  • RGB uses taproot-based OP_RETURN commitments (in short — tapret), which require support on the descriptor level so that wallets could see the transactions with tweaked outputs as those belonging to the wallet descriptor. The new version also introduces custom derivation indexes that prevent non-RGB wallets from accidentally spending outputs with RGB assets (and thus destroying assets).

Simplified dependencies

  • RGB consensus layer is being shipped with fewer dependencies, improving the stability of API. It has abandoned the dependency on custom bulletproofs implementation from Grin projects.

Simplified integration

  • Many operations that previously required multiple API calls, as well as cross-language encoding of complex data structures, now work with a single API call. RGB contract state is represented as a JSON object and can be serialized across different languages without a hassle.

Simplified UX

  • Previously, to use RGB, a wallet or a user had to run the RGB Node, interface it through RPC (or cli tool) and use a number of other libs and command-line tools to perform most of the operations on PSBTs etc. With the new release, this complex stack was replaced by a single library API and a command-line tool. RGB Node can still be run by users on their home servers, but is not obligatory for using RGB anymore.

What are the significant breakthroughs in RGB v0.10?

As mentioned earlier, we discussed the primary reasons we believed contributed to RGB not gaining widespread attention and adoption despite several years of development. However, after delving into the study of the RGB v0.10 version, we have valid reasons to believe that this phenomenon is on the verge of change, or rather, that change is already underway.

Why couldn’t independent developers engage in complex smart contract development in previous versions?

In versions preceding RGB v0.10, independent developers faced certain challenges when attempting complex smart contract development. This was primarily due to several factors below:

  1. Instability of the Protocol: In early iterations, the RGB protocol might undergo significant changes, potentially rendering previously developed smart contracts incompatible with the new protocol version. Such instability could hinder developers from engaging in complex smart contract development.
  2. Lack of Tools and Resources: Early versions might lack sufficient tools and resources to assist developers in complex smart contract development. This might involve a shortage of comprehensive documentation, tutorials, or development tools.
  3. Complexity of the Protocol: The design and implementation of the RGB protocol could be rather intricate, posing challenges for independent developers. For instance, the RGB protocol employs a novel validation mechanism called “client-side validation,” which might demand an in-depth understanding and specialized knowledge for intricate smart contract development.

However, as the RGB protocol evolves, these issues are being addressed. For instance, the introduction of a new type system named strict types in RGB v0.10 can assist developers in tackling complex smart contract development with greater ease. Furthermore, this version offers additional tools and resources to aid developers in comprehending and utilizing the RGB protocol.

Enabling full support for smart contracts within the Lightning Network has become feasible.

Due to its foundation on Bitcoin, the utilization of the Lightning Network for the transfer of RGB assets is theoretically viable. However, in previous iterations, RGB couldn’t be utilized within any existing Lightning nodes due to architectural constraints. In 2021, RGB developed its own architecture known as the LNP Node, implemented in Rust. It stands independently from Bitcoin Core, and for users aiming to integrate RGB with Taproot on the Lightning Network, they awaited completion of Taproot support by Rust-Bitcoin.With the release of RGB v0.10, the LNP/BP Association has now outlined their forthcoming priorities. Their focal point is directed towards accomplishing Lightning Network support in the coming months, facilitating the capability to transfer RGB assets via the Lightning Network.If RGB achieves compatibility and support with the Lightning Network, it can enhance the liquidity and accessibility of RGB assets. Through the Lightning Network, users can swiftly and cost-effectively transfer RGB assets without waiting for confirmation on the Bitcoin mainnet. This is particularly beneficial for users who engage in frequent trading of RGB assets.Furthermore, RGB could potentially bring full smart contract capabilities to the Lightning Network. The Lightning Network boasts remarkable speed, minimal fees, and exceptional security. However, due to Bitcoin’s inherent lack of support for complex smart contracts, the Lightning Network has faced certain limitations in this aspect.RGB’s ability to support intricate smart contract functionality stems from its deliberate design tailored to smart contract implementation on the Lightning Network. Primarily, RGB employs a Turing-complete virtual machine known as AluVM, a powerful computational engine that permits the execution of sophisticated smart contracts on the Lightning Network. AluVM empowers RGB to handle complex computational logic and data operations, enabling a wide range of smart contract types.In its design, RGB thoroughly considers the characteristics and requirements of the Lightning Network, potentially bestowing upon the network the capacity to fully support complex smart contracts. Whether it pertains to DeFi, NFTs, GameFi, or SocialFi, RGB holds the potential to materialize on the Lightning Network.This unparalleled combination could not only elevate the Lightning Network to a radiant star but also potentially outshine other blockchain platforms. With an increasing influx of funds and developers into the development of the Bitcoin Lightning Network and RGB, there is a promising prospect of propelling the Bitcoin and Lightning Network ecosystem to unprecedented heights.

RGB vs. Other Alternatives

Altcoins based tokens

Most of the altcoins based token protocol (e.g. ERC-20) offer smart contracts with a global unowned state, which enables easy to deploy DEXes and other financial applications, but they are hard to scale, with no privacy and inherit all the drawbacks of those altcoins, such as high costs to run a node, lower decentralisation and less resistance to censorship attacks.

Liquid assets

Liquid is a federated Bitcoin sidechain that offers some interesting features such as native assets support and confidential transactions to hide from blockchain observers the payment amount and the ID of the asset being transferred. However, the federated model presents again the problem of low decentralisation and little censorship resistance.


OmniBOLT is a Lightning Network-compatible version of OmniLayer. OmniLayer was briefly introduced earlier (interested readers can also refer to the “DeFi Research on the Bitcoin Lightning Network” for a more detailed explanation).The considerations behind OmniBOLT closely resemble those of RGB. The distinction lies in the differing design objectives of these two protocols. In comparison to RGB, OmniBOLT exhibits relatively weaker privacy attributes, as token-related data, much like Bitcoin, remains stored on the chain. However, OmniBOLT possesses a distinct advantage in stablecoin payment operations and has undergone the test of time. In June of this year, its Mainnet went live, enabling the sending, receiving, and transferring of USDT through the Lightning Network.

Taproot (Taro)

Announced during the Bitcoin 2022 Miami conference, Taro is a project backed by Lightning Labs with the goal of bringing assets on top of the Lightning Network. According to the released specifications, the design is very similar to RGB, with basically the same features and trade-offs. At the time of writing, the main difference between RGB and Taro seems to be that RGB has already released some reviewable code while taro is only specs, but on the other hand you could argue that Taro is backed by one of the best teams in the lightning ecosystem, creating good expectations for a future implementation. Given the similarities of the two designs, it would be nice if Taro and RGB ended up being interoperable, but only time will tell if the right incentives for this to happen will ever materialise.

Notable Projects/Development Teams in the RGB Ecosystem

  1. Infinitas

Official Website: https://www.iftas.tech/Infinitas is one of the pioneering projects that initiated the track of building Turing-complete smart contracts based on Bitcoin. It serves as a Bitcoin application ecosystem that amalgamates the RGB protocol and the Lightning Network. The project aims to achieve enhanced privacy protection, superior throughput, and exceptional low-latency transaction processing. As an innovative blockchain solution, Infinitas has been solidifying the concept of Bitcoin-based Turing-complete smart contracts since 2021, leveraging Bitcoin’s security and consensus mechanisms to enable the creation of more complex applications and smart contracts on the Bitcoin network. The core technology of the project is spearheaded by a team of Bitcoin core code contributors and blockchain scientists who were among the earliest adopters of the RGB protocol and contributed to its translation. Infinitas prioritizes providing an online IDE, data explorer, and integration with mainstream wallets to engage developers and users in the ecosystem, supporting the practical implementation of substantial commercial applications such as RWAs and fully on-chain games.Key Features:High Security: Inheriting high security from the Bitcoin blockchain, Infinitas ensures that Infinitas assets are safeguarded by the full network hash power of the Bitcoin blockchain, enhancing asset security.Privacy Protection: Infinitas achieves elevated privacy protection for its assets and introduces a trustless Bitcoin anchoring mechanism, further reinforcing user privacy.WalletAdapter: Through Infinitas adapter technology, users gain insights into the complete state of Bitcoin, enhancing their awareness of asset states.Enhanced Global State: By refining and expanding RGB’s Global State, Infinitas provides access interfaces for virtual machines and clients (such as wallets). Special emphasis is placed on enhancing trust in smart contract uri addresses, critically supporting the development of complex applications within the RGB ecosystem. This measure also enables different systems to comprehend and interpret each other’s states, further promoting the development of the entire ecosystem.Polymorphic the Lightning Network: Improvements to the Lightning Network (such as lightweight block technology, automatic node scaling, and autonomous capabilities in offline situations) enable higher transaction throughput while maintaining low-latency transaction confirmation times.Developer-Friendly: Utilizing the Rust programming language and employing the Schema layer as a development infrastructure, Infinitas ensures accessibility for a wide range of individuals to participate in development.

It is reported that Infinitas will possess an incentive scheme tied to its native economy. In its initial stages, a community-driven incentive structure will be employed to stimulate market output, promoting the long-term development of the ecosystem. Positioned as a frontrunner in constructing a Turing-complete Bitcoin application ecosystem, it may potentially serve as a groundbreaking catalyst for Bitcoin asset applications and a significant leap forward in driving widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies. As of now, the testnet has not yet been launched, so it is advisable to stay tuned for updates.


Official Website: https://cosminmart.com/COSMINMART is a groundbreaking Bitcoin application ecosystem built on the foundation of the Lightning Network, while also compatible with protocols such as RGB. It supports smart contracts and introduces new possibilities for the Bitcoin ecosystem.COSM Wallet: As a core product of COSMINMART, the COSM Wallet holds broad applicability across the entire Bitcoin ecosystem. It already facilitates Bitcoin mainnet and Lightning Network transfers, as well as transfers of assets under the RGB protocol. It is set to gradually expand its compatibility to include ecosystems like Stacks and Rootstock.COSM Market: Positioned as one of the early platforms supporting aggregated trading of Bitcoin derivatives, COSM Market will progressively widen its support scope to offer convenience in trading various types of Bitcoin derivative assets.COSM Launchpad: This initiative aims to identify Bitcoin ecosystem projects with high-quality potential, contributing to the sustainable growth of the Bitcoin ecosystem.COSMINMART takes the lead in defining the Web4 concept and actively promotes the establishment of new RGB protocol standards. It is also involved in issuing stablecoins on the Lightning Network and integrating the advantages of protocols like Nostr along with Lightning Network transactions. By deeply integrating traditional apps with the Lightning Network, COSMINMART envisions ushering in a new era of Lightning Applications.It is reported that COSMINMART plans to launch its public testing products by the end of this year, and it’s recommended to stay tuned for updates.

  1. Pandora Prime Inc

Official Website: https://pandoraprime.ch/Pandora Prime is a Swiss company headquartered in Verbery Valley, Naters, and also a founding member of LNP/BP.Pandora Prime is dedicated to pioneering Bitcoin Finance through the combination of RGB smart contracts and the Lightning Network. They embark on this journey by utilizing programmable assets on Bitcoin, namely RGBTC and CHFN. These assets can be traded on the Lightning Network, offering transaction throughput comparable to VISA/MasterCard levels. Moreover, Pandora Prime provides convenient facilities for exchanging these assets, enabling transactions below 1,000 Swiss Francs without the need for intricate KYC procedures (in accordance with Swiss legal requirements). Currently, their product lineup includes MyCitadel (wallet), RGB Explorer (browser), and Pandora Network.For more information, you can visit their official website at https://pandoraprime.ch/ .

  1. MyCitadel

Official Website: https://mycitadel.io/MyCitadel is a brand under Pandora Prime, and it stands as the first graphical user interface wallet that supports RGB. Created by RGB developers in 2021, MyCitadel introduces a user-friendly experience for managing assets. This innovative wallet offering comprises cross-platform desktop wallets as well as iOS/iPad wallets. The mobile wallet functionality extends to handling fungible RGB assets, enabling users to seamlessly manage their digital assets.

  1. RGB Explorer

Official Website: https://rgbex.io/RGB Explorer is the first browser developed by Pandora Prime that facilitates the registration of RGB assets and interaction with smart contracts. Currently, it supports RGB20, RGB21, and RGB25 asset types, and prominently displays assets such as LNPBP, RGBTC, dCHF, and RGBEX.


Official Website: https://diba.io/DIBA is dedicated to enhancing the development of the community by aiding individuals in comprehending, owning, and utilizing non-custodial digital assets built on top of Bitcoin. It seeks to shape the digital art and asset economy through principles of decentralization and inclusive empowerment.DIBA is the first marketplace to utilize RGB smart contract protocol and the Lightning Network for trading Bitcoin NFTs. Currently, the DIBA BETA is operational on the Bitcoin testnet and is soon expected to launch on the Bitcoin mainnet.

  1. Bitmask

Official Website: https://bitmask.app/Developed by DIBA, Bitmask is the first NFT wallet within the RGB ecosystem. It operates directly within web browsers and, similar to MetaMask on platforms like Ethereum, allows interaction with RGB contracts.

  1. IRIS Wallet

Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iriswallet.testnet&pli=1IRIS Wallet, the first Android wallet developed by the Bitfinex team, is dedicated to RGB integration and related tools. It supports both fungible and non-fungible assets. IRIS Wallet facilitates RGB asset operations from issuance to spending and receiving, bundling all functionalities within a familiar wallet application and abstracting technical details as much as possible. Currently, this remains an experimental application, recommended for use only with small amounts of BTCs and low-value assets.

  1. Bitswap-BiFi

GitHub: https://github.com/BitSwap-BiFi/Bitswap-coreCurrently, the RGB ecosystem is actively exploring DEX solutions to address the liquidity challenges of RGB assets. In the demonstrations and concept validations of Bitswap, the introduction of “SWAPS” into a DEX framework is showcased, albeit without AMM or LP functionalities at this stage. The project is currently in the validation phase and is at a very early stage, making it another noteworthy development to keep an eye on.

Evolution of the RGB Protocol: A New Era of Possibilities

From its initial conception to the present, the RGB protocol has undergone nearly six years of evolution. While the protocol has yet to garner widespread attention and adoption, historical experience teaches us that the rapid dissemination of novel ideas is often overestimated, while the potentially disruptive impact and pace of acceptance of these concepts are underestimated. In reality, with the introduction of RGB protocol version 0.10, we find ourselves at a fresh starting point, witnessing a future full of boundless potential, much like that of Bitcoin.The all-new version of the RGB protocol introduces a series of significant updates, enabling the issuance and transfer of various assets on both the Bitcoin network and the Lightning Network. Moreover, the protocol now possesses the capacity to support more complex smart contracts. While complete compatibility with the Lightning Network is yet to be realized, we firmly believe that the LNP/BP Association and the related development teams are poised to make substantial strides in the coming months. With our hopeful anticipation of the seamless integration of RGB protocol and the Lightning Network, this will mark another significant milestone in the collaborative journey of RGB protocol and Bitcoin.The new functionalities and improvements brought by the RGB protocol, particularly its full compatibility with the Lightning Network, illuminate a path toward Bitcoin’s future. These transformations open doors to uncharted territories, allowing us to glimpse the boundless potential of Bitcoin. In this uncharted domain, Bitcoin transcends being merely a simple means of payment; it evolves into a robust platform capable of hosting intricate applications. The RGB protocol, in turn, serves as the cornerstone to construct this platform, potentially guiding us into an entirely new realm of the Crypto world.References:

  1. https://rgb.tech
  2. https://rgbfaq.com
  3. https://lnp-bp.org
  4. https://twitter.com/lnp_bp
  5. https://www.youtube.com/@LNPBP/videos
  6. https://blueprint.rgb.network
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtkTE6m0zio
  8. https://petertodd.org/2017/scalable-single-use-seal-asset-transfer
  9. https://medium.com/@FedericoTenga/understanding-rgb-protocol-7dc7819d3059
  10. https://www.contractum.org/

